Saturday, July 10, 2010

Why You Won't See Us at the Fragile X Conference

July 23, 2005

Chesterman Beach, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada

This is where we spent our honeymoon...and where we will be on July 23. In the same hotel, in the same room we were in five years ago. I can't wait! Thanks to all the grandparents and Quinn's nanny for making it possible for us to take some time away from our little angel. We hope to make it to the conference in 2012!


Bonnie@TheFragileXFiles said...

There will be other conferences, and I look forward to meeting you one day! You have a beautiful blog! And happy anniversary to you both!

ST said...

Thanks, Bonnie! I look forward to meeting you and your little ones sometime as well!

Kristiem10 said...

Happy Anniversary! That sounds like a wonderful trip!

Anonymous said...

omg i was gone a few months and missed a ton!! congrats to you two and ur little man :)

fragilemom said...

What an adorable couple! Enjoy yourselves! So glad you have a support system to give you a break. It's what's saved us...well, after the Lord of course!

Anonymous said...

My 3 year old also has Fragile X and I do enjoy checking out your awesome blog once in a while. There is joy after Fragile X!