Monday, June 22, 2009

Losing it

For some reason, tonight things are not working for me. I've been anxious since about 4pm. It's like I'm not on drugs at all. Quinn was crying and I am feeling just as frustrated, just as helpless, just as angry as before the Sertraline. I don't know what is going on. I just want him to SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP.

OK, A little Facebook surfing has calmed me down. Now to try to get to sleep. I hope to God he's stopped crying.


Jen said...

I don't think meds can keep a person from feeling frustrated when their child won't stop crying in the middle of the night. ;)
Wish I had some magical words of wisdom, but I don't.
Evan DID sleep through last night (YEA!), but I know how exhausting and frustrating it is to have "one of those nights." Hang in there...
~~~~~Oh, hi, I'm back! You didn't even know I was gone. Well, here I was, getting some computer time in while Evan was watching Matt play Transformers on the PS2, and I hear Matt say, Evan just went poop. Yeah, he didn't have a diaper on; we're "potty training" right now. And, it wasn't poop; it was diarrhea...

ST said...

Oh, Jen, yuck! I hope such potty training incidents are few and far between!

theotherlion said...

I've noticed that if I have one drink a couple nights in a row or if I have 2-3 drinks in one night, that the next day is bad emotionally. I think the alcohol trumps the drugs.